Centres for Civic Initiatives invites all eligible tenderers to submit the offer for Development of the online platform for the inclusion of CSOs in the election monitoring processes Bosnia and Herzegovina. The contract includes the development of the IT system for reporting on the objective evaluation of the Election Day, to be used in real-time by the long-term observers and observers on Election Day. It includes sending SMSs, online and/or call reporting. The relevant sample for the objective evaluation of the Election Day shall lean on the acknowledged and quality monitoring methodology. It includes the development of modules for reporting about the election results, training for project staff and observers about using the system; development of the follow-up instruction, technical support before the Election Day and during the Election Day; analysis and interpretation of the collected data, and consultations. This Activity will be repeated twice during the project span, once per each election cycle.
The complete tender dossier can be found at the following link: http://cci.ba/focus/1/41/81.
It includes:
A. Instructions to tenderers and contract notice
B. Draft contract agreement and special conditions with annexes:
I. General conditions for service contracts
II. Terms of reference
III. Organisation and methodology (to be submitted by the tenderer using the template provided)
IV. Budget (to be submitted by the tenderer as the financial offer using the template provided)
V. Forms and other supporting documents
C. Other information:
I. Administrative compliance grid
II. Evaluation grid
D. Tender submission form and declaration of honour on exclusion and selection criteria